You can use a bash parameter expansion, sed, cut and tr to trim a string.
Let's use bash parameter expansion to remove all whitespace characters from the variable foo:
foo="Hello world."
echo "${foo//[["space:]]/}"
Output: Helloworld.
"${foo// /}" removes all space characters, "$foo/ /" removes the first space character.
To remove only space characters before and after string use sed:
foo=" Hello world. "
echo "${foo}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'
Output: Hello world.
Easy to use and remember way how to remove whitespaces before and after word:
echo " text. text2 " | xargs
xargs remove all whitespaces before "text." and let one space bewteen text. and text2.
If you want to delete only last character from the variable:
echo "${foo::-1}"
Output: hell
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